Fall is my favorite. It’s like a fire has been lit inside of me that warms my being and calms me. Fall and I could be the kind of friends that may go a year without seeing each other, but in being reunited, we find that we were never too far apart. I would go as far to say that I’m in love with Fall. Sure, love. It works.
Love is round and it’s meant to be deep. And from what I’ve heard, love is hard. It’s sneaky, and it catches you off guard. It whispers “sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.” What’s romantic about that? Not much. From what I know of deep feelings, I think they root themselves in the unreached places and light small fires in the corners that were once undiscovered. Once the corners have been warmed, and the roots have sunk in, we want it to stay that way forever. Because, it’s nice.
Shiny object.
Working close with charities, I hear a lot about the homeless population. I actually got to help out a time or two with a soup kitchen downtown Little Rock. I overheard the kitchen ladies chatting... “You know, they try to sneak the food out with them because, God forbid, they think it won’t be here tomorrow. They think the food will run out, and there won’t be enough for them.”
A person such as this, so afraid that the one thing they need to survive will eventually run out, is no different from me. They desire food. I desire love.
What it comes down to- God is love. And time and time again, God reveals himself through Jesus. Who is said to be the “Bread.” Manna. The Lord’s Supper.
God warms me. He lights small fires in corners of my being that were dark before. He roots himself in my heart and won’t ever let go. That’s the sustenance I need, the fulfillment that can be matched by no other.
I just have to keep reminding myself...