I’ve been doing a lot of driving. Commuting to and from work every day is interesting. It’s only been three days and I feel like I’ve attained a year’s worth of “traffic driving” knowledge. For instance- don’t flinch if someone flips you off for no reason, he’s just a grouchy pants. And, my new co-worker, who is wonderful, suggested that I name my (future) coffee shop- Cranky’s Coffee. Perfect.
A word that has been resonating for a while is consistency. And in my brain, when I think of one word, I think of a ba-gillion others that could possibly be related. So, in this case- repetition, fluidity, resilience, and persistence come to mind.
I’ve been applying the word “consistent” to a lot of different areas in my life. It’s funny, because even if there’s change, consistency can still function just fine. I think it’s the consistent people that you want to have around whenever change comes.
With the parentals moving to North Carolina in 1.5 weeks, I can still see consistency in the love they have, and the examples they set for me in my own life: responsibility, love, tenderness, hard-work, and ultimately- support.
I’ve had consistent leadership throughout my life. In the ministry I’ve been involved in, I’ve seen biblically true leadership, in the context of male and female. I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
There’s been a lack of consistency when it comes to me and the relationships I’ve been in. Something always just stops. And it’s usually abrupt. Which has really pushed me to a place of questioning, and right now, I guess I could say I’m in a much better place than I was a month ago.
I think it’s consistency that I crave. Not saying that I crave a perfect life, where nothing bad happens (that’s naïve), but rather a life where I know that something will always be solid enough for me to stand on. I can stand on my parents, my family, and my friends…
…but most importantly- when I hear the words:
“Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant through the trial and the change
One thing remains:
Your love never fails
It never runs out on me”
How good is it to know that my God is consistent and never changing. If there’s one thing I know I need right now in my life- it’s consistency- the kind that is reliable, and urges me on to be a persistent follower of Christ.