It's funny how the weather change reminds me of real life. This may be really far-fetched and oober-sappy, but when you think about the circumstances a person may face in life, you order to learn, you have to lay down the pretty things... like winter is making way for spring.
So driving down the street today, admiring all of the once colorful trees, I was reminded that the winter season is just as beautiful as its sister seasons...we have no excuse to be mopey...because we await with hope for what's to come.
Who could be mopey with warm fireplaces and good smelling candles anyway?
Therefore, I suppose we're really lucky, and definitely covered in grace, considering that we're abundantly provided for, over and over again.
Here's to the first post.
Hip Hip Hooray!
a little snippet from my new CD: Pink Martini- Joy To The World (Elohai, n'tzor)
Elohai n'tzor l'shoni meira us'fatai midabeir mirmah, V'limkal'lai nafshi tidom, v'nafshi ke-afar lakol tih'yeh. Elohai, Elohai.
I love it Lea! Just the reminder I need to remember that joyful is not happy, and can continue no matter the color of the sky!