Wednesday, January 26

"In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you."

The battle isn't quite that is. Only four more months!! Or something like that.

Something I've been thinking about recently... why am I so obsessed with my future? I've decided to hold on the me that I am now. Because 5 months from now, I could be faced with a new me which could leave me wishing I would have held on to the old me a little while longer....

 Besides, if I'm so worried about who I want to be in the future, I could turn into one of those fishies out of Finding Nemo with a light dangling in front of its face, always trying to swim towards it and never quite reaching it.

                                          (but not quite this scary looking, I hope)

Wednesdays are great. They are the bomb to my diggidy.

The song I can't seem to stop playing: one of my secret happy places.
New movie I never really want to see again, but it was good enough to watch once: sigh.

(Quote: Leo Tolstoy)

loved always,


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