Wednesday, August 31


I’ve been doing a lot of driving. Commuting to and from work every day is interesting. It’s only been three days and I feel like I’ve attained a year’s worth of “traffic driving” knowledge. For instance- don’t flinch if someone flips you off for no reason, he’s just a grouchy pants. And, my new co-worker, who is wonderful, suggested that I name my (future) coffee shop- Cranky’s Coffee. Perfect.

A word that has been resonating for a while is consistency. And in my brain, when I think of one word, I think of a ba-gillion others that could possibly be related. So, in this case- repetition, fluidity, resilience, and persistence come to mind.

I’ve been applying the word “consistent” to a lot of different areas in my life. It’s funny, because even if there’s change, consistency can still function just fine. I think it’s the consistent people that you want to have around whenever change comes.

With the parentals moving to North Carolina in 1.5 weeks, I can still see consistency in the love they have, and the examples they set for me in my own life: responsibility, love, tenderness, hard-work, and ultimately- support.

I’ve had consistent leadership throughout my life. In the ministry I’ve been involved in, I’ve seen biblically true leadership, in the context of male and female. I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

There’s been a lack of consistency when it comes to me and the relationships I’ve been in. Something always just stops. And it’s usually abrupt. Which has really pushed me to a place of questioning, and right now, I guess I could say I’m in a much better place than I was a month ago.

I think it’s consistency that I crave. Not saying that I crave a perfect life, where nothing bad happens (that’s naïve), but rather a life where I know that something will always be solid enough for me to stand on. I can stand on my parents, my family, and my friends…

…but most importantly- when I hear the words:

“Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant through the trial and the change
One thing remains:

Your love never fails
It never runs out on me”

How good is it to know that my God is consistent and never changing. If there’s one thing I know I need right now in my life- it’s consistency- the kind that is reliable, and urges me on to be a persistent follower of Christ. 

Monday, August 15

grace in learning

so, I haven't done this in a while. and for all of you who will probably never read this, we'll just call this post something that is for my own good, rather than you readers out there. :)

Learning is something that is necessary in life, and no matter how hard I try, I will never actually be able to disregard it. It will, for the most part, shape who I am, who I will be, and how I will view my past adventures. I've learned a lot in the past few months.

First, is that God will never leave, no matter how stupid I am/act. (Did you know that I'm really good at being an emotional blobby girl?) His grace really does overflow, and with all of my holes, the overflow will be a definite plus.

Second, is that you shouldn't answer the door to creepy men who ask for plastic spoons. That one is a must.

Strength comes from unexpected places. I really do believe that strength is born out of change, and that change, no matter how ugly or surprising, has the capacity to be a good thing.

Laughter is the daughter of joy, and joy, my friends, is irreplaceable, and is coupled with peace, love, and certainty. Certainty in the fact that there is always something at work that is greater than ourselves. Without sounding too cliche, I have the coolest God ever. He gives me these unexpected little gifts and spurts of joy that I know I don't deserve.

Lastly, I receive grace freely on a daily basis, therefore it will always be in my life-plan to have grace for everyone that I've ever loved, or will love. (which is probably you.)

"why should I feel discouraged?
why should the shadows come?
why should my heart feel lonely,
and long for Heav'n and home
when Jesus is my portion?
a constant friend is He.
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow...
I know he watches over me."

(best by Lauryn Hill)

Peace out. 